Learn a New Language
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At Injera Express, we believe dining is an experience to remember — and we want YOU to be part of it! Try our bold, authentic Ethiopian dishes, and test your pronunciation skills with our key Amharic words.
Say It Like a Pro!
Want to make your meal even more fun? Test your Amharic pronunciation skills and get rewarded!
Pronounce Amharic Right
Every time you order a dish with an Amharic name, or use any of the key Amharic greetings or words, say it correctly and get 10% off your meal!
Need Help?
Don’t worry! We’ve included the pronunciation right next to the dish names, plus audio guides to help you out.
Bonus Reward
Share a video of you saying the word correctly on Instagram with the hashtag #SayItLikeALocal, and you’ll get a free drink on your next visit!

How it Works
Practice the Words
Browse the list of Amharic words and phrases below.
Say It Like a Pro
When you order at the counter or with your server, use the word or phrase you’ve learned.
Get Your Discount
If you pronounce it correctly, you’ll receive a discount on your meal. Simple as that!
Get Started!
Check out the list of Amharic words and phrases below and start practicing.
Who knew learning a new language could come with rewards (and delicious food)!
Let’s have fun with food and language – and save some money while we’re at it!
Taste the Language: Amharic Menu Items
Dish Name (English) | Pronunciation | Amharic | Description |
Injera | /in-je-ra/ | እንጀራ | Traditional Ethiopian flatbread |
Tibs | /tibs/ | ጥብስ | Sautéed meat, often served with vegetables and spices |
Asa | /a-sa/ | አሳ | Fish |
Gomen | /go-men/ | ጎመን | Collard greens |
Shiro | /shi-ro/ | ሸሮ | Chickpea stew |
Timatim Fitfit | /ti-ma-tim fit-fit/ | ጥማቲም ፍትፍት | Ethiopian tomato salad with injera pieces |
Shiro Fitfit | /shi-ro fit-fit/ | ሸሮ ፍትፍት | Salad with injera and spiced chickpea flour dressing |
Berbere | /ber-be-re/ | በርበሬ | A hot spice blend used in Ethiopian cooking |
Ayib | /a-yib/ | አይብ | Ethiopian cottage cheese |
Teff | /teff/ | ጤፍ | A tiny, nutritious grain used to make injera |
Doro Wat | /do-ro wat/ | ዶሮ ወጥ | Chicken stew with berbere and hard-boiled egg |
Kitfo | /kit-fo/ | ክትፎ | Minced beef, often served raw or medium cooked |
Asa Gulash | /a-sa gu-lash/ | አሳ ጉላሽ | Fish stew with spices and vegetables |
Datah | /da-tah/ | ዳጣ | A type of Ethiopian sauce |
Awaze | /a-wa-ze/ | አዋዜ | A spicy, tangy Ethiopian sauce |
Amharic Words to Try
Amharic (አማርኛ) | English | Pronunciation |
ሰላም (Selam) | Hello | /se-lam/ |
አመሰግናለሁ (Ameseginalehu) | Thank you | /a-me-se-gi-na-le-hu/ |
በእባኮት (Be'ba-kot) | Please | /be-ba-kot/ |
ደህና ሁን (Dehna Hun) | Goodbye | /de-hna hun/ |
እንዴት ነህ? (Endet neh?) | How are you? | /en-det neh?/ |
ደህና ነኝ (Dehna negn) | I'm fine | /de-hna negn/ |
ይቅርታ (Yik'irta) | Excuse me | /yi-k'ir-ta/ |
ውሃ (W'ha) | Water | /w-haa/ |
ቡና (Buna) | Coffee | /boo-na/ |
ይህ ስንት ነው? (Yih sint new?) | How much is this? | /yi -eh-sint new?/ |
ይጣፍጣል (Yit'afital) | It's delicious | /yi-ta-fi-tal/ |